Monday, October 31, 2011


It's here...

Oh delicious McRib! I don't know what's in you... but I do enjoy eating you!! Someone told me there's an imprint of a rib outline on the top of you, but I've never managed to open up my bun cleanly to see it... too much bbq sauce!

The McRib... such a controversial piece of meat. Some love it; others are too chicken to even try it out! Call me a fan! How can you not love the excessive sauce and fresh onions?! How 'bout you? Are you a McRib lover or hater?

McRibs are available for a limited time at all McDonald's. BUT here's a handy website to find McRibs after this promotion ends -


  1. monkey, you sound just like their commercials! they should hire you!! John is not a big fan of it. has it gotten better than before?

  2. It's not great... but I really love how they press the meat to make it look like there are bones

  3. you just have to not think about what exactly you're eating. it's not a rib. and won't taste even close to how awesome a rib would taste. or even some other fast food options would taste...

    just enjoy it for the sauce and the onions...

  4. Wow, you are a McRib groupie! I will make a special Chinese-McRib hot dog in honor of you, Crystal! It will be like my fusion hot dogs, but with a rib imprint and BBQ sauce! ;)

  5. I love the pickle in the McRib.

  6. There were bones in there, they were removed by lasers, which is why they have a charred flavor. This is what I tell myself.

  7. is it especially tasty if you order it from a certain McDonald's in Fairfax?
