Wednesday, July 20, 2011

no food day

Today is a no food blogging day for 2 reasons:

1. I LOST MY CAMERA in ny! bye bye canon s95. I loved you dearly.

2. I couldn't bare looking at all my food pics cuz I forced myself into a clear liquid diet since sat night.

I was showing hints of similar symptoms of a condition I had a few years back. So in effort to avoid staying in the hospital another 5 days and $4,000 (after insurance), I stopped eating solids to see if that will fix me (I think it's working).

On the upside, since I like to make up stuff to make myself feel better, I just "saved" $4K by not going to the hospital which justifies a camera replacement and then some. Yay for delusional logic! :D

o I miss you food. Random things I've been craving: fried chicken, sushi, fries, rice, eggs, dim sum, ramen, ok stomach growl, I'm gonna stop here.


  1. :( oh no. hope you're feeling better! would more vegetables + fruits help?

  2. Piqqy, we hope you are well and will be praying for you.

  3. Thanks! I'm feeling much better and eating normal food again. :)
